Alexandru Saghin

Technician, TCR Belgium


It’s amazing that I can work on these special vehicles. It’s a great feeling to see the pushback tractor you’ve just worked on move a large passenger plane backwards. It really makes you realise that we are experts.

Julien Cardon

Technician, TCR Belgium

Once you work at TCR, you look at the ramp in such a different way! Every single time I am sitting in a plane on business trip or for holidays, I look through the window and I try to find our logo on passenger stairs, baggage tractors or other equipment. I am proud to see we are present in so many airports.

Ronny De Vries

Technical Supervisor, TCR Belgium

Nadia Verschueren

Human Resources, TCR international

Murat Solak

Mechanic, TCR Belgium

Michel Lhost

Operations Manager, TCR Belgium

Arthur Agossou

Sales Manager, TCR International

Frederik Leunen

Logistics Coordinator, TCR International

Liesbeth Macours

Finance Process Coordinator, TCR International

Griet Jacobs

Chief Accountant, TCR International

Jean-Charles Clauwaert

Group Audit and Controlling Manager, TCR International

Bruno Vanpoucke

Business Developement Manager, TCR International